[ACSAC History]

1991: Complete List of Papers from the Seventh ACSAC

Keynote Speach, Maj. Gen. G. W. O'Shaughnessy, Cmdr Air Force Intelligence Command

ACSA Distinguished Lectur: National Policy Issues in Computer Security, Dr. Willis Ware

Plenary Panel: Hosting Trusted Applications on Trusted Products
Moderator: T. Korelsky
Panelists: T. Benzel, D. Bodeau, B. Danner, C. Payne, and W. Wilson

Data Base Management Systems I
Session Chair: G. Smith

A Single-Level Scheduler for the Replicated Architecture for Multilevel-Secure Databases, J.P. McDermott, S. Jajod~a, and R.S. Sandhu

Using Polyinstantiation to Develop an MLS Application, D. Nelson and C. Paradise

Security Constraint Processing During the Update Operation in a Multilevel
Secure Database Management System, M. Collins, W. Ford, and B. Thuraisingham

Panel: Applying Trust Criteria to Computers Embedded in Systems
Moderator: B. Pierce
Panelists: G. Cogar, J. Hiller, M. Weidner, and A. Freidman

Architecture and Implementation
Session Chair: J. Heaney

Towards Trusted Cut and Paste in the X Window System, J. Picciotto

A Prototype B3 Trusted X Window System, J. Epstein, J. McHugh, R. Pascale, H. Orman, G. Benson, C. Martin, A. Marmor-Squires, B. Danner, and M. Branstad

An Implementation of Access Control Using a Salient Feature of Primes, D A. Moir

Session Chair: M. King

Network Auditing Issues and Recommendations, SJ. Schaen and B.W. McKenney

Real-Time Anomaly Detection Using a Nonparametric Pattern Recognition Approach, L. Lankewicz and M. Benard

An Audit Model for Object-Oriented Databases, B. Kogan and S. Jajodia

Session Chair: J. McHugh

High Level Prevention of Traffic Analysis, R.E Newman-Wolfe and BR. Venkatraman

Security Modelling Using Hierarchical State Machines, J.P. Nestor
Modeling Internal Controls of Automated Teller Machine (ATM) Systems: A Computerized Decision Aid for Design and Evaluation, J.C. Chao, M. Kornaravolu, C. Lin, and G. Yiu

Session Chair: T. Benzel

Verification of the Security of a Secure Network Component, EA. Schrleider
To Bell and Back: Developing a Formal Security Policy Model for a C2 System, R..A. Gove, L. Jaworski, and J.G. Williams

A Distributed Implementation of the Extended Schematic Protection Model, P. Ammann, R.S. Sandhu, and G.S. Swi

Plenary Paoel: Complex Multilevel Secure Applications: Must They Be Trusted!
Moderator: F. Mayer

Panel: Standards for Trusted Systems
Moderators: LTC R. Ross and E. Troy

Panel: Standards Conformance Testing for Security Standards
Moderator: V. Ash~y
Panelist: P. Karger

Data Base Management System II
Session Chair: R. Sandhu

A Multilevel Secure Relational Data Model Based on Views, G. Pernul and G. Luef

Domain Reduction Dependencies A New Type of Dependency for Statistical Database Security, S.C. Hansen and EA. Unger
Complete Containment Sets and Their Application to the Inference Problem, B.P. Weems, W.-G. Shieh, and M. Jaseemuddin

DoD Applications
Session Chair: B. Pierf:e

Fielding Multilevel Security into Command and Control Systems, D. Galik and B. Tretick

Proposed Security for Critical Air Force Missions, H.L. Johnson, C. Arvin, E Jenkinson, and B. Pierce

Considerations for Applying Disk Encryptors to Environments Subject to Hostile Overrun, P.W. Mallett

Acquisition and Integration
Session Chair D. Calik

Security Considerations in the Acquisition of Computer Systems, CR. Pierce

Observations on Integrating Multilevel Secure Components into System High Distributed Systems, R.E. Niemeyer and VA. Ashby

Rebus Passwords, M.M. King

Panel: Standards for Secure Communications
Moderator: T. Humphreys

Standards and Specifications for Secure Communications, T. Humphreys

OSI Communications, W. Ford

European Secure Communications Standards, A. Harding
ISDN SecurityÑThe Integrated Future, K. Presttun

Managing Future Communications--A Panel Summary T. Humphreys


An Introduction to Trusted System Issues
Security in Distributed Systems
Covert Channel Analysis
Principles of Risk Management
Recent Developments in Information Security
Database Security