Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC) 2021

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Optimized Paillier's Cryptosystem with Fast Encryption and Decryption

In this paper, we propose a new optimization for the Paillier's additively homomorphic encryption scheme Eurocrypt'99. At the heart of our optimization is a well-chosen subgroup of the underlying Z_N^*, which is used as the randomness space for masking messages during encryption. The size of the subgroup is significantly smaller than that of Z_N^*, leading to faster encryption and decryption algorithms of our optimization. We establish the one-wayness and semantic security of our optimized Paillier scheme upon those of an optimization (i.e., ``Scheme 3'') made by Paillier in Eurocrypt'99. Thus, our optimized scheme is one-way under the partial discrete logarithm (PDL) assumption, and is semantically secure under the decisional PDL (DPDL) assumption. On the other hand, we present a detailed analysis on the concrete security of our optimized scheme under several known methods. To provide 112-bit security, our analysis suggests that a 2048-bit modulus N and a well-chosen subgroup of size 448-bit would suffice.

We compare our optimization with existing optimized Paillier schemes, including the Jurik's optimization proposed by Jurik in his Ph.D. thesis and the Paillier's optimization in Eurocrypt'99. Our experiments show that, the encryption of our optimization is about 2.7 times faster than that of the Jurik's optimization and is about 7.5 times faster than that of the Paillier's optimization; the decryption of our optimization is about 4.1 times faster than that of the Jurik's optimization and has a similar performance with that of the Paillier's optimization.

Huanyu Ma
Ant Group

Shuai Han
Ant Group

Hao Lei
Ant Group

Paper (ACM DL)




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