35th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC 2019)

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Koinonia: Verifiable E-Voting with Long-term Privacy

Despite years of research, many existing e-voting systems do not adequately protect voting privacy. In most cases, such systems only achieve “immediate privacy”, that is, they only protect voting privacy against today’s adversaries, but not against a future adversary, who may possess better attack technologies like new cryptanalysis algorithms and/or quantum computers. Previous attempts at providing long-term voting privacy (dubbed “everlasting privacy” in the literature) often require additional trusts in parties that do not need to be trusted for immediate privacy.

In this paper, we present a framework of adversary models regarding e-voting systems, and analyze possible threats to voting privacy under each model. Based on our analysis, we argue that secret-sharing based voting protocols offer a more natural and elegant privacy-preserving solution than their encryption-based counterparts. We thus design and implement Koinonia, a voting system that provides long-term privacy against powerful adversaries and enables anyone to verify that each ballot is well-formed and the tallying is done correctly. Our experiments show that Koinonia protects voting privacy with a reasonable performance.

Huangyi Ge
Purdue University

Sze Yiu Chau
Purdue University

Victor E Gonsalves
Purdue University

Huian Li
Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis

Tianhao Wang
Purdue University

Xukai Zou
Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis

Ninghui Li
Purdue University


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