Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC) 2018

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Prime+Count: Novel Cross-world Covert Channels on ARM TrustZone

The security of ARM TrustZone relies on the idea of splitting system-on-chip hardware and software into two worlds, namely normal world and secure world. In this paper, we report cross- world covert channels, which exploit the world-shared cache in the TrustZone architecture. We design a Prime+Count technique that only cares about how many cache sets or lines have been occupied. The coarser-grained approach significantly reduces the noise introduced by the pseudo-random replacement policy and world switching. Using our Prime+Count technique, we build covert channels in single-core and cross-core scenarios in the TrustZone architecture. Our results demonstrate that Prime+Count is an effective technique for enabling cross-world covert channels on ARM TrustZone.

Haehyun Cho
Arizona State University
United States

Penghui Zhang
Arizona State University
United States

Donguk Kim
SAMSUNG Research
South Korea

Jinbum Park
SAMSUNG Research
South Korea

Choonghoon Lee
SAMSUNG Research
United States

Ziming Zhao
Arizona State University
United States

Adam Doupé
Arizona State University
United States

Gail-Joon Ahn
Arizona State University and SAMSUNG Research
United States


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