Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC) 2014

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Morpheus: Automatically Generating Heuristics to Detect Android Emulators

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Emulator-based dynamic analysis has been widely deployed in Android application stores. While it has been proven effective in vetting applications on a large scale, it can be detected and evaded by recent Android malware strains that carry detection heuristics. Using such heuristics, an application can check the presence or contents of certain artifacts and infer the presence of emulators. However, there exists little work that systematically discovers those heuristics that would be eventually helpful to prevent malicious applications from bypassing emulator-based analysis. To cope with this challenge, we propose a framework called Morpheus that automatically generates such heuristics. Morpheus leverages our insight that an effective detection heuristic must exploit discrepancies observable by an application. To this end, Morpheus analyzes the application sandbox and retrieves observable artifacts from both Android emulators and real devices. Afterwards, Morpheus further analyzes the retrieved artifacts to extract and rank detection heuristics. The evaluation of our proof-of-concept implementation of Morpheus reveals more than 10,000 novel detection heuristics that can be utilized to detect existing emulator-based malware analysis tools. We also discuss the discrepancies in Android emulators and potential countermeasures.


Yiming Jing    
Arizona State University
United States

Ziming Zhao    
Arizona State University
United States

Gail-Joon Ahn    
Arizona State University
United States

Hongxin Hu    
Clemson University
United States


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