Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC) 2014

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NIST's Cyber-Physical Systems Public Working Group (CPS PWG) Cybersecurity and Privacy Subgroup

Thursday, 11 December 2014
15:30 - 17:00

Orleans A

Speakers:Victoria Pillitteri, NIST


The Cyber-Physical Systems Public Working Group (CPS PWG) will bring together experts to help define and shape key aspects of CPS to accelerate its development and implementation within multiple sectors of our economy. Although CPS encompasses a broad and diverse range of sectors, domains, and applications, it is uniformly expected that cybersecurity and privacy considerations must be included in all phases of the system development lifecycle, from design through implementation, maintenance, and disposition. The primary goal of the Cybersecurity and Privacy subgroup is to develop a cybersecurity and privacy strategy for the common elements of CPS that includes a focus on the identification, implementation, and monitoring of specific cybersecurity activities and outcomes for CPS in the context of a risk management program. Where applicable standards, guidelines, and measurement metrics do not exist, this subgroup will identify areas for further CPS cybersecurity research and development.


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