Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC) 2013

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Thursday, 12 December 2013
17:00 - 18:00

DH Holmes AB

Moderator: Raheem Beyah

Featured Works-in-Progress:

  1. DROIDHOOK: Android MalApp Detection Through Context, Aisha Ali-Gombe, Irfan Ahmed, Golden G. Richard III (University of New Orleans, USA) [presentation]

  2. Behavioural Barriers to Trustworthiness, Ian Bryant (Trustworthy Software Initiative) [presentation]

  3. Ontology Knowledge Bases of Security Vulnerabilities, Attacks & Defenses, Patrick Kamongi, Mahadevan Gomathisankaran (University of North Texas, USA) [presentation]

  4. PRIUS: Privacy Against Unlawful Surveillance, Srujan D. Kotikela (University of North Texas, USA) [presentation]

  5. An Integrated Approach for SMS Based Secure Mobile Banking in India, Neetesh Saxena, Narendra S. Chaudhari (Indian Institute of Technology Indore, India) [presentation]

  6. Evaluation of Security Risks Using Mission Threads, Carol Woody (Software Engineering Institute, USA) [presentation]

  7. It’s all about DATA: Big, Small, and BYOx, Cristina Serban (AT&T Security Research Center) [presentation]


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