16th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference
December 11-15, 2000
New Orleans, Louisiana

Issues 2000:
Enterprise Security Management Special Workshop

Chair: Dr. Harvey H. Rubinovitz

Tuesday, 12 December 2000, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Cost: Free for Registered Attendees

In recent years, organizations have needed to manage many more systems causing administrative costs to increase. The increased cost is partially due to the increasing number of machines, as well as, the increased number of updates produced to maintain each application or Operating System (OS). Many of the updates are countermeasures to newly discovered vulnerabilities.

Administrators need a way to reduce the cost of maintaining their machines while maintaining or improving the effectiveness with which systems are managed. At the same time, they need to know their current security posture. It would be useful if Enterprise Security Management (ESM) components were native to the OS, providing a well-integrated solution, rather than adding components to the OS.

During this workshop we will discuss the available ESM products which can improve the management effectiveness and decrease operational expense when possible. We will also examine current OSs, such as Windows 2000, to determine what native ESM features can be utilized without additional components. Presentations will draw upon aspects of implementation, deployment, and management experiences from systems that are utilizing ESM technology.

In the past, participants have agreed these workshops have provided a useful and exciting forum for members of the standards and software development communities to exchange ideas, opinions, and concerns. Because of the industry enthusiasm for ESM technologies, this year's workshop should generate much discussion.

The ACM's Special Interest Group on Security, Audit, and Control (SIGSAC) is sponsoring this workshop. Preregistration is requested although there is no charge for registration for this workshop. Position papers are encouraged and may be published in the SIGSAC Review. To register, contact Harvey Rubinovitz, Workshop Chair, The MITRE Corporation, M/S B305, 202 Burlington Rd, Bedford, MA 01730, (781) 271-3076, hhr@mitre.org.

NOTE: Lunch is not provided for workshop attendees; only to those registered for tutorials.